The Four A's of Fiber: "Remember the four A’s of fiber: apples, artichokes, apricots, and avocados. "

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Consistency with Caregivers Support

In the modern family, there is a strong likelihood that others will help care for our kids. A large number of children live with just one parent. Many have two working parents. About 2/3 of all mothers work outside the home. Most families with young children depend on caregivers, grandparents, or other adults for childcare. Caregivers have a big influence on a child’s eating and activity. What your caregiver believes about weight-related habits can help or hinder your child directly. During the time a caregiver is responsible for a child, (sometimes up to 10 hours a day) they have the power to influence the eating and activity behaviors in your child.

How can I approach my caregiver about what I want for my child?
The best way is to be direct and give specific instructions. “I don’t want the kids to watch too much television” is a vague statement. It is better to say, “The kids are allowed 1 hour of television during the day.” Likewise, expecting the caregiver to create and provide wholesome meals and snacks without direction generally does not work. A better approach is to provide directions about what is to be eaten and when it is to be eaten. For example, “Please give the kids a fruit snack with cheese at 3pm and make sure they always eat their food at the table.” Reinforce what you want, by writing it down.

Consistency is the key. When all work together towards the same goal, everyone benefits.
Keep open and honest dialogue with your caregiver and give direct help whenever possible.

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