The Four A's of Fiber: "Remember the four A’s of fiber: apples, artichokes, apricots, and avocados. "

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Dream On

There's a saying, "The family that cooks together stays together." Okay, it may not be an official saying, but there's something to be said for the family who spends time together in the kitchen.

Cooking with and for your family definitely promotes family closeness and conversation, but have you ever thought of cooking together as a way to help others? We're all trying to find ways to save time and money, right? But maybe it's not your family you can save.

Have you heard about Dream Dinners? It's a place where you can go and prepare a week's worth of meals ahead of time in their kitchen with their ingredients and using their recipes for a fraction of the cost of your time and money you may end up spending in the take out line instead. That's sounds great all by itself, but there's another way to use Dream Dinners you may not have thought about - charity.

There are always families in need of meals: in your neighborhood, from your church, from your child's school. Maybe a friend just had a baby, provide a few home cooked meals. Maybe there's been a death in a family, show up with sympathy and a meal. It's hard for us to plan that far ahead and fill our freezers with "extra" meals, but you could make an appointment at Dream Dinners and as a family prepare meals for someone in need.

Our children need ways to reach out in their communities and realize that it's not all about them. There are many ways to serve in your community, but maybe serving up a great meal can nourish more than a body - it can feed the soul.

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